How and Where to Buy eSwapping (ESWAP) – Detailed Guide

What is ESWAP?

eSwapping is a brand that uses the ESWAP as its utility token, our goal is to create most innovative platforms and tools for our community. We also plan to expand onto different networks e.g. Avalanche, Matic and xDai.

Currently we offer a Limit order trading bot, it’s working on the Binance Smart Chain for an exchange which is PancakeSwap. Limit order bot checks the smart contracts on Binance smart chain in realtime monitoring for the most up to date price.

We also offer a free price tracker for everyone to use.

ESWAP was first tradable on 4th May, 2021. It has a total supply of unknown. As of right now ESWAP has a market capitalization of USD $unknown. The current price of ESWAP is $1.28 and is ranked 3506 on Coinmarketcap and has recently surged 41.15 percent at the time of writing.

ESWAP has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying Bitcoin from any fiat-to-crypto exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy ESWAP.

Inyathelo 1: Bhalisa kwiFiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Kuya kufuneka uqale uthenge enye yee-cryptocurrencies eziphambili, kule meko, i-Bitcoin (BTC) Kweli nqaku siza kukuhamba ngeenkcukacha ezimbini zezona ziqhelekileyo-ezisetyenziswayo ze-fiat-to-crypto exchanges, kunye neCoinbase. Zombini utshintshiselwano lunemigaqo-nkqubo yalo yomrhumo kunye nezinye izinto esiya kuthi sihambe ngazo ngokweenkcukacha.Kuyacetyiswa ukuba uzame zombini kwaye ufumanise eyona ikufaneleyo.


Ifanelekile kubathengisi base-US

Khetha iFiat-to-Crypto Exchange ngeenkcukacha:

Ukuba yenye yezona zinto zidumileyo kwaye zilungele ukutshintshiselana nge-fiat-to-crypto, i-UpHold inezi zibonelelo zilandelayo:

  • Kulula ukuthenga kunye nokurhweba phakathi kwee-asethi ezininzi, ngaphezulu kwe-50 kwaye usenokongeza
  • Ngoku bangaphezulu kwe-7M abasebenzisi kwihlabathi liphela
  • Ungafaka isicelo sekhadi le-UpHold Debit apho unokuchitha khona ii-asethi ze-crypto kwi-akhawunti yakho njengekhadi le-debit eliqhelekileyo! (e-US kuphela kodwa iya kuba se-UK kamva)
  • Kulula ukusebenzisa i-app yeselula apho unokurhoxisa ingxowa-mali ebhankini okanye nayiphi na enye i-altcoin yotshintshiselwano ngokulula
  • Akukho zifizi ezifihliweyo kunye nayiphi na enye imali yeakhawunti
  • Kukho iiodolo zokuthenga/ukuthengisa ezilinganiselweyo zabasebenzisi abaphambili
  • Ungaseta ngokulula iidipozithi eziphinda-phindayo zeDollar Cost Averaging (DCA) ukuba ujonge ukubamba i-cryptos ixesha elide.
  • I-USDT, yenye yezona stablecoins zidumileyo ezixhaswa yi-USD (ngokwesiseko i-crypto exhaswa yimali ye-fiat yokwenyani ukuze ingabinaguquguquki kwaye inokuphathwa phantse njengemali ye-fiat exhonywe ngayo) iyafumaneka, oku kulungele ngakumbi ukuba i-altcoin oceba ukuyithenga ine-USDT kuphela izibini zokurhweba kutshintshiselwano lwe-altcoin ukuze ungadluleli kwenye ukuguqulwa kwemali ngelixa uthenga i-altcoin.
Bonisa aManyathelo eNkcukacha ▾

Chwetheza i-imeyile yakho kwaye ucofe 'Okulandelayo'. Qinisekisa ukuba unikezela ngegama lakho lokwenyani njengoko i-UpHold iya kuyidinga kwi-akhawunti kunye nokuqinisekiswa kwesazisi. Khetha igama eliyimfihlo elinamandla ukuze iakhawunti yakho ingabi sesichengeni kubageli.

Uya kufumana i-imeyile yokuqinisekisa. Yivule kwaye ucofe kwikhonkco ngaphakathi. Emva koko uya kufunwa ukuba unikeze inombolo yeselula esebenzayo ukuseta ungqinisiso lwezinto ezimbini (2FA), luluhlu olongezelelweyo kukhuseleko lweakhawunti yakho kwaye kucetyiswa kakhulu ukuba ugcine oluphawu luvuliwe.

Landela inyathelo elilandelayo ukugqiba isiqinisekiso sakho sesazisi. La manyathelo anzima ngakumbi xa ulindele ukuthenga i-asethi kodwa njengawo nawaphi na amanye amaziko emali, i-UpHold ilawulwa kumazwe amaninzi anjenge-US, i-UK kunye ne-EU. Ungathatha oku njengorhwebo ekusebenziseni iqonga elithembekileyo ukwenza ukuthenga kwakho kokuqala kwe-crypto. Iindaba ezimnandi zezokuba yonke into ebizwa ngokuba yi-Know-Your-Customers (KYC) ngoku izenzekela ngokupheleleyo kwaye akufuneki kuthathe ngaphezulu kwemizuzu eli-15 ukugqiba.

Inyathelo 2: Thenga i-BTC ngemali ye-fiat

Nje ukuba ugqibe inkqubo ye-KYC. Uya kucelwa ukuba wongeze indlela yokuhlawula. Apha ungakhetha ukunika ikhadi letyala/debit okanye usebenzise utshintshiselwano lwebhanki. Ungahlawuliswa imali ephezulu ngokuxhomekeke kwinkampani yekhadi lakho letyala kunye namaxabiso aguquguqukayo xa usebenzisa amakhadi kodwa uya kwenza ukuthenga kwangoko. Ngelixa utshintshiselwano lwebhanki lungabizi kakhulu kodwa lucotha, ngokuxhomekeke kwilizwe ohlala kulo, amanye amazwe aya kubonelela ngedipozithi yemali ngoko nangoko ngemirhumo ephantsi.

Ngoku nonke nisetiwe, kwikhusi elithi 'Transact' phantsi kwebala elithi 'Ukusuka', khetha imali yakho ye-fiat, kwaye emva koko kwibala elithi 'Ukuya' khetha i-Bitcoin, cofa i-preview ukujonga intengiselwano yakho kwaye ucofe uqinisekise ukuba yonke into ibonakala ilungile. .. kwaye halala! Usanda kwenza ukuthenga kwakho kokuqala kwe-crypto.

Inyathelo 3: Dlulisa i-BTC kwi-Altcoin Exchange

But we are not done yet. We need to convert our BTC into ESWAP. As ESWAP is currently listed on PancakeSwap we will guide you through how to convert your BTC on the platform. Unlike other centralised exchanges the conversion steps will be a little different on PancakeSwap since it is a decentralised exchange (DEX) which does not require you to register an account nor going through any KYC process, however, trading on a DEX requires you to manage your own private key to your altcoin wallet and it is suggested that you take extra care of your wallet private key, because if you lost your keys, it means that you will lost access to your coins forever and no customer support will help you retrieve your assets back. Although if managed properly it is in fact more secure to store your assets in your own private wallet than on exchange wallets. If you are still uncomfortable with using a DEX just yet, check if ESWAP is available on any other traditional centralised exchanges on the tab above. Otherwise let’s follow these steps carefully.

Guqula i-BTC yakho ibe yi-BNB kwi-Binance

I-PancakeSwap yi-DEX efana ne-Uniswap / Sushiswap, kodwa endaweni yoko isebenza kwi-Binance Smart Chain (BSC), apho uya kukwazi ukurhweba zonke iimpawu ze-BEP-20 (ngokuchasene ne-ERC-20 iithokheni kwi-blockchain ye-Ethereum), ngokungafaniyo ne-Ethereum, inciphisa kakhulu imirhumo yokurhweba (igesi) ngelixa uthengisa eqongeni kwaye ifumana ukuthandwa kutshanje. I-PancakeSwap yakhiwe kwinkqubo yomenzi wemarike ezenzekelayo (i-AMM) exhomekeke kwiiphuli ezixhaswa ngumsebenzisi ngemali kwaye yiyo loo nto inokusebenza ngokugqibeleleyo ngaphandle kwencwadi yeodolo yemveli evela kutshintshiselwano oluphakathi.

In short, as ESWAP is a BEP-20 token running on Binance Smart Chain, the quickest way to buy it is to transfer your BTC to Binance (or the exchanges listed on the table below for US traders), convert it into BNB, then send it to your own wallet via Binance Smart Chain and swap your BNB for ESWAP on PancakeSwap.

Abarhwebi base-US kufuneka bathathele ingqalelo ukubhalisela utshintshiselwano olungezantsi.

Emva kokuba ubhalise kwi-Binance okanye utshintshiselwano oluphakanyisiweyo ngasentla, yiya kwiphepha le-wallet kwaye ukhethe i-BTC kwaye ucofe idiphozithi. Khuphela idilesi ye-BTC kwaye ubuyele kwi-UpHold, uhoxise i-BTC yakho kule dilesi kwaye ulinde ukuba ifike, oku kufuneka kuthathe malunga ne-15-30 imizuzu ngokuxhomekeke ekusebenziseni inethiwekhi ye-BTC. Xa sele ufikile, thengisa i-BTC yakho kwi-Binance Coin (BNB).

Dlulisela i-BNB kwisipaji sakho

Here comes the trickiest part of the process, now you need to create your own wallet to hold both BNB and ESWAP, there are several options to create your own wallet, the best option is to use a hardware wallet, such as Ledger Nano S or Ledger Nano X. They are secure hardware that provide various layers of security to protect your assets, you only have to store the seed phrases in a safe place and never put it online (i.e. do NOT upload the seed phrases to any cloud services/storage/email, and also do not take photo of it). If you are planning to stay in the crypto scene for a while, it is highly recommended that you get a hardware wallet.

Ledger Nano

Ledger Nano

  • Kulula ukuseta kunye nojongano olunobuhlobo
  • Ingasetyenziswa kwiidesktops kunye neelaptops
  • Engasasebenziyo kwaye Iphathekayo
  • Ukuxhasa uninzi lwe-blockchains kunye noluhlu olubanzi (ERC-20 / BEP-20) amathokheni
  • Iilwimi ezininzi ziyafumaneka
  • Eyakhelwe yinkampani esekelwe kakuhle efunyenwe kwi-2014 ngokhuseleko olukhulu lwe-chip
  • Xabiso elithengiswayo
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • I-chip yento ekhuselekileyo enamandla ngakumbi (ST33) kuneLedger Nano S
  • Inokusetyenziswa kwidesktop okanye kwilaptop, okanye nakwi-smartphone kunye nethebhulethi ngokudityaniswa kweBluetooth
  • Ikhaphukhaphu kwaye iyaphatheka ngebhetri eyakhelweyo etshajwayo
  • Isikrini esikhulu
  • Indawo yokugcina ngaphezulu kuneLedger Nano S
  • Ukuxhasa uninzi lwe-blockchains kunye noluhlu olubanzi (ERC-20 / BEP-20) amathokheni
  • Iilwimi ezininzi ziyafumaneka
  • Eyakhelwe yinkampani esekelwe kakuhle efunyenwe kwi-2014 ngokhuseleko olukhulu lwe-chip
  • Xabiso elithengiswayo

Kungenjalo unokwenza i-wallet yakho, apha siza kusebenzisa iMetaMask njengomzekelo ukukubonisa indlela yokuseta iwallet yakho.

Yongeza ulwandiso lweMetaMask kwiChrome

Sincoma ukusebenzisa uGoogle Chrome okanye iBrave Browser apha. Yiya kwiVenkile yeWebhu yeChrome kwaye ukhangele iMetaMask, qiniseka ukuba ulwandiso lunikezelwa ngu yokhuseleko kwaye emva koko ucofe Yongeza kwiChrome.


Qhubeka ngo "Qalisa" kwaye emva koko ucofe ku-"dala i-wallet" kwisikrini esilandelayo, ufunde yonke imiyalelo kwisikrini esilandelayo kwaye ucofe u-"Agree"


Okulandelayo khetha igama eliyimfihlo elikhuselekileyo ukukhusela i-wallet yakho ye-MetaMask, eli gama liyimfihlo ayisitshixo sakho sabucala okanye amabinzana embewu, udinga kuphela eli gama lokugqithisa ukuze ufikelele kwi-Chrome Extension.


Nantsi inyathelo lesizukulwana sokugcina ibinzana, kwisikrini uya kubona uluhlu lwamagama angaqhelekanga avela emva kokuba ucofe "tyhila amagama ayimfihlo", bhala la magama phantsi ephepheni kwaye ungaze uwagcine kwi-intanethi, naphi na. Ngokhuseleko olongezelelweyo usenokucinga nokufumana iCryptosteel Capsule kwiLedger ukugcina amabinzana akho ngokukhuselekileyo nangokwasemzimbeni.

CryptoSteel Capsule Solo

Nje ukuba ugcine amabinzana embewu yakho ngokukhuselekileyo, qinisekisa kwiscreen esilandelayo ngokuwaqinisekisa. Kwaye ugqibile! Funda iingcebiso kwakhona ukuqinisekisa ukuba uyazi ngokupheleleyo imiba yokhuseleko kwaye ucofe konke kwenziwe, ngoku isipaji sakho silungile. Ngoku cofa kwi-icon yeMetaMask kwibar yolwandiso kwisikhangeli kwaye uvule isipaji sakho ngepassword yakho. Kuya kufuneka ubone ibhalansi yakho yokuqala emva koko.


Ngoku ukulungele ukufaka i-BNB yakho kwi-wallet yakho, yiya kwi-PancakeSwap, cofa u-"Qhagamshela" phezulu kwaye ukhethe iMetaMask.

Ukutshintsha ipancake

Ukuba eli lixesha lakho lokuqala ukudibanisa neMetaMask kufuneka ucelwe ngokukhawuleza ukuba ungathanda ukongeza inethiwekhi yeBinance Smart Chain kwiMetaMask yakho, nceda uqhubeke nale nyathelo njengoko kubaluleke kakhulu ukuba uqinisekise ukuba uthumela iBNB yakho. ngenethiwekhi elungileyo. Emva kokongeza inethiwekhi, tshintshela kwinethiwekhi kwi-MetaMask kwaye kufuneka ukwazi ukubona ibhalansi yakho ye-BNB kwi-Binance Smart Chain. Ngoku khuphela idilesi kwibhodi eqhotyoshwayo ngokucofa igama leakhawunti.


Ngoku buyela kuBinance okanye naluphi na utshintshiselwano oluthengileyo kwi-BNB. Yiya kwi-wallet ye-BNB kwaye ukhethe Ukuhoxisa, kwidilesi yomamkeli, uncamathisele idilesi ye-wallet yakho kwaye uqinisekise ukuba yidilesi echanekileyo, emva koko kwinethiwekhi yokudlulisa, qiniseka ukuba ukhethe i-Binance Smart Chain (BSC) okanye i-BEP20 (BSC)


Click submit and follow the verification steps afterwards. After successfully withdrawing your BNB it should arrive very shortly to your own wallet. Now you’re ready to buy ESWAP finally!

Buyela umva kwiPancakeSwap, khetha uRhwebo> Tshintsho kwibar esecaleni esekhohlo

Ukutshintsha ipancake

Kuya kufuneka ubone ujongano olulula kakhulu apha kunye nemimandla nje emibini, ukusuka kunye ukuya, kunye neqhosha elikhulu elithi "Qhagamshela iWallet" okanye "Tshintsha".

Ukutshintsha ipancake

Click on Connect Wallet if you haven’t done so already. Otherwise you should be able to see your BNB balance here at the from field, enter the amount you would like to exchange for ESWAP and then on the to field, choose ESWAP from the dropdown, the corresponding amount of ESWAP should show up immediately. Verify and then proceed with "Swap". In the next screen, confirm the transaction once more by clicking Confirm Swap. Now MetaMask should pop up and ask you if you want to allow PancakeSwap to spend your BNB, click Confirm. Wait for the confirmation screen until it shows "Transaction Submitted", congratulations! You have finally bought ESWAP!! After a short while you should be able to see your ESWAP balance on your MetaMask Wallet.

Ukutshintsha ipancake

Apart from the exchange(s) above, there are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once ESWAP gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities! lutshintshiselwano lwe-cryptocurrency lwaseMelika olwasungulwa ngo-2017. Njengoko utshintshiselwano luseMelika, abatyali-mali base-US banokuthengisa apha kwaye sicebisa abarhwebi base-US ukuba babhalise kolu tshintshiselwano. Utshintshiselwano lufumaneka ngesiNgesi nangesiTshayina (eyamva iluncedo kakhulu kubatyali-mali baseTshayina). Eyona nto ithengisayo lukhetho lwabo olubanzi lwezibini zokurhweba. Ungafumana uninzi lweealtcoins ezintsha apha. ikwabonisa Umthamo wokurhweba onomtsalane.Iphantse yonke imihla ibeyenye yotshintshiselwano oluphezulu lwama-20 kunye nowona mthamo uphezulu wokurhweba.Umthamo wokurhweba uxabisa malunga ne-USD 100 yezigidi yonke imihla.Izibini eziphezulu ezili-10 zokurhweba ngokomthamo worhwebo Idla ngokuba ne-USDT (Tether) njengenxalenye yesi sibini, ukushwankathela oku kungasentla, inani elikhulu leeperinki zokurhweba kunye nokungabinamali kwayo okungaqhelekanga zombini yimiba enomtsalane kakhulu kolu tshintshiselwano.


I-BitMart lutshintshiselwano lwe-crypto olusuka kwiZiqithi zeCayman. Yafumaneka kuluntu ngoMatshi 2018. I-BitMart inobuncwane obuchukumisa ngokwenene. Ngexesha lohlaziyo lokugqibela kolu hlaziyo (20 Matshi 2020, kanye embindini wengxaki kunye I-COVID-19), i-BitMart yeeyure ezingama-24 yokuthengisa umthamo yayiyi-USD 1.8 yezigidigidi.. Esi sixa-mali sabeka i-BitMart kwindawo engunombolo 24 kwi-Coinmarketcap's uluhlu lotshintshiselwano ngenani eliphezulu leeyure ezingama-24. Akufuneki ukuthi, ukuba uqala ukurhweba apha, uya Ungabi naxhala malunga nencwadi yeodolo ibhityile.Utshintshiselwano oluninzi aluvumeli abatyali-mali abavela e-USA njengabathengi.Njengoko sinokuthi, i-BitMart ayiyonye yezo tshintshiselwano.Nawuphi na umtyali-mali wase-US onomdla wokurhweba apha kufuneka nangaluphi na uhlobo lomsitho. Uluvo lwabo kuyo nayiphi na imiba evela kubumi okanye ukuhlala kwabo.

Last Step: Store ESWAP securely in hardware wallets

Ledger Nano

Ledger Nano

  • Kulula ukuseta kunye nojongano olunobuhlobo
  • Ingasetyenziswa kwiidesktops kunye neelaptops
  • Engasasebenziyo kwaye Iphathekayo
  • Ukuxhasa uninzi lwe-blockchains kunye noluhlu olubanzi (ERC-20 / BEP-20) amathokheni
  • Iilwimi ezininzi ziyafumaneka
  • Eyakhelwe yinkampani esekelwe kakuhle efunyenwe kwi-2014 ngokhuseleko olukhulu lwe-chip
  • Xabiso elithengiswayo
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • I-chip yento ekhuselekileyo enamandla ngakumbi (ST33) kuneLedger Nano S
  • Inokusetyenziswa kwidesktop okanye kwilaptop, okanye nakwi-smartphone kunye nethebhulethi ngokudityaniswa kweBluetooth
  • Ikhaphukhaphu kwaye iyaphatheka ngebhetri eyakhelweyo etshajwayo
  • Isikrini esikhulu
  • Indawo yokugcina ngaphezulu kuneLedger Nano S
  • Ukuxhasa uninzi lwe-blockchains kunye noluhlu olubanzi (ERC-20 / BEP-20) amathokheni
  • Iilwimi ezininzi ziyafumaneka
  • Eyakhelwe yinkampani esekelwe kakuhle efunyenwe kwi-2014 ngokhuseleko olukhulu lwe-chip
  • Xabiso elithengiswayo

If you are planning to keep("hodl" as some may say, basically misspelt "hold" which get popularised over time) your ESWAP for a considerable long time, you may want to explore ways of keeping it safe, although Binance is one of the safest cryptocurrency exchange there had been hacking incidents and funds were lost. Because of the very nature of the wallets in exchanges, they will be always online("Hot Wallets" as we call them), therefore exposing certain aspects of vulnerabilities. The safest way of storing your coins to date is always putting them into a type of "Cold Wallets", where the wallet will only have access to the blockchain(or simply "go online") when you send out funds, reducing the chances of hacking incidents. A paper wallet is a type of free cold wallet, it's basically an offline-generated pair of public and private address and you will have it written somewhere, and keep it safe. However, it is not durable and is susceptible to various hazards.

I-wallet ye-hardware apha ngokuqinisekileyo lukhetho olungcono lwezipaji ezibandayo.Zidla ngokuba zizixhobo ezenziwe nge-USB ezigcina ulwazi oluphambili lwe-wallet yakho ngendlela ehlala ixesha elide.Zakhiwe ngokhuseleko lwezinga lomkhosi kwaye i-firmware yazo igcinwa rhoqo ngabavelisi bazo. ILedger Nano S kunye neLedger Nano X kwaye zezona zikhethwa kakhulu kolu luhlu, ezi wallet zibiza malunga ne-$50 ukuya kwi-100 yeedola ngokuxhomekeke kwizinto abazinikezelayo. uluvo lwethu.

Other useful tools for trading ESWAP

Udibaniso oluKhuselekileyo oluKhuselekileyo


Ngenxa yobume be-cryptocurrency - i-decentralised, oko kuthetha ukuba abasebenzisi bane-100% enoxanduva lokuphatha iimpahla zabo ngokukhuselekileyo.Ngelixa usebenzisa i-wallet ye-hardware ikuvumela ukuba ugcine i-cryptos yakho kwindawo ekhuselekileyo, usebenzisa uqhagamshelwano olufihliweyo lwe-VPN ngelixa uthengisa kwenza kube nzima. ukuze abahlaseli bathintele okanye baphulaphule ulwazi lwakho olubuthathaka.. Ingakumbi xa uthengisa usohambeni okanye kuqhagamshelo lweWifi kawonke-wonke.NordVPN yenye yezona zihlawulwa kakhulu (qaphela: ungaze usebenzise naziphi na iinkonzo zasimahla zeVPN njengoko banokusezela idatha yakho ngokubuyisela inkonzo yasimahla) Iinkonzo zeVPN phaya kwaye sele zikho malunga neshumi leminyaka.Ibonelela ngoqhagamshelo olufihliweyo lwenqanaba lomkhosi kwaye ungangena ukubhloka iiwebhusayithi ezinobungozi kunye neentengiso kunye neCyberSec yazo.Unokukhetha ukuqhagamshela kwi-5000+ abancedisi kumazwe angama-60+ asekelwe kwindawo yakho yangoku, eqinisekisa ukuba uhlala unonxibelelwano olugudileyo nolukhuselekileyo naphi na apho ukhoyo.kwiinkqubo zakho zemihla ngemihla ezifana nokusasaza iividiyo okanye ukukhuphela iifayile ezinkulu.Kwaye iphakathi kweenkonzo zeVPN ezingabizi kakhulu phaya (kuphela $3.49 ngenyanga).


ISurfshark yenye indlela engabizi kakhulu ukuba ufuna uqhagamshelo lweVPN olukhuselekileyo.Nangona iyinkampani entsha, sele ineeseva ezingama-3200+ ezisasazwe kumazwe angama-65. Ngaphandle kwe-VPN ikwanezinye izinto ezipholileyo eziquka i-CleanWeb™, esebenzayo ngokusebenzayo. Iibhlokhi iintengiso, iitrackers, i-malware kunye neenzame zokurhwaphiliza ngelixa ujonga isikhangeli sakho okwangoku, iSurfshark ayinamda wesixhobo ukuze ukwazi ukuyisebenzisa kwizixhobo ezininzi njengoko ufuna kwaye wabelane ngenkonzo nabahlobo bakho kunye nosapho. Sebenzisa ikhonkco lokubhalisa elingezantsi ukuze ufumane i-81% isaphulelo (ininzi kakhulu !!) Kwi-$ 2.49 / ngenyanga!

I-Atlas VPN

I-IT nomads yenze i-Atlas VPN emva kokubona ukungabikho kwenkonzo ye-top-notch ngaphakathi kwentsimi ye-VPNs yasimahla. Ngaphaya koko, nangona i-Atlas VPN ingumntwana omtsha kwibhloko, iingxelo zeqela labo lebhlog zigqunywe ziivenkile ezaziwayo ezifana neForbes, iFox News, iWashington Post, iTechRadar kunye nezinye ezininzi. kwiimbalasane zoluphawu:

  • Ufihlo olunamandla
  • I-Tracker blocker ifaka iibhloko zewebhusayithi eziyingozi, inqanda iikuki zomntu wesithathu ekulandeleni imikhwa yakho yokukhangela kwaye ithintela intengiso yokuziphatha.
  • I-Data Breach Monitor ifumanisa ukuba idatha yakho yobuqu ikhuselekile.
  • Iiseva zeSafeSwap zikuvumela ukuba ube needilesi ezininzi ze-IP ezijikelezayo ngokuqhagamshela kwiseva enye
  • Amaxabiso angcono kwimarike yeVPN (kuphela $1.39/ngenyanga!!)
  • Umgaqo-nkqubo we-No-log ukugcina ubumfihlo bakho bukhuselekile
  • I-Automatic Kill Switch ukuvala isixhobo sakho okanye usetyenziso ekufikeleleni kwi-intanethi ukuba unxibelelwano lusilele
  • Uqhagamshelo olungenamda ngaxeshanye.
  • Inkxaso yeP2P

Imibuzo ebuzwa qho

Can I buy ESWAP with cash?

There is no direct way to buy ESWAP with cash. However, you can use marketplaces such as LocalBitcoins Ukuthenga kuqala i-BTC, kwaye ugqibezele amanye amanyathelo ngokudlulisela i-BTC yakho kutshintshiselwano olufanelekileyo lwe-AltCoin.

LocalBitcoins lutshintshiselwano lwe-Bitcoin peer-to-peer. Yindawo yokuthengisa apho abasebenzisi banokuthenga kwaye bathengise iiBitcoins ukuya kunye ukusuka komnye nomnye. Abasebenzisi, ababizwa ngokuba ngabarhwebi, benza iintengiso kunye nexabiso kunye nendlela yokuhlawula abafuna ukuyinikezela. Unokukhetha ukuthenga kubathengisi kwindawo ethile ekufutshane eqongeni. kuba emva kokuba yonke indawo elungileyo ukuya ukuthenga Bitcoins xa ungakwazi ukufumana iindlela zakho intlawulo oyifunayo naphi na. Kodwa amaxabiso ahlala ephezulu kweli qonga kwaye kufuneka wenze inkuthalo yakho efanelekileyo ukunqanda ukuqhathwa.

Are there any quick ways to buy ESWAP in Europe?

Ewe, eneneni, iYurophu yenye yezona ndawo zilula zokuthenga i-cryptos ngokubanzi. Kukho neebhanki ezikwi-intanethi onokuthi uvule iakhawunti ngokulula kwaye udlulisele imali kutshintshiselwano olunje. Coinbase kwaye U-Uphold.

Are there any alternative platforms to buy ESWAP or Bitcoin with credit cards?

Ewe. Kwakhona kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa iqonga lokuthenga i-Bitcoin ngamakhadi okuthenga ngetyala. Lutshintshiselwano lwemali ye-crypto ngoko nangoko ekuvumela ukuba utshintshe i-crypto ngokukhawuleza kwaye uyithenge ngekhadi lebhanki. Ujongano lwayo lomsebenzisi kulula kakhulu ukuyisebenzisa kwaye amanyathelo okuthenga ayazichaza.

Read more on eSwapping's fundamentals and current price here.

ESWAP Price Prediction and Price Movement

ESWAP has been down 0 percent over the last three months, and with its small market capitalization, it is very likely that such price movement may continue. However three months is still considered early in the crypto world and it is also likely that ESWAP's price may bounce back if it has a solid team and has delivered what they promised on their white papers. Therefore traders should be careful and should research thoroughly and see if ESWAP is backed by a solid development team and whether ESWAP's technology has any potential to grow.

Please note that this analysis is purely base on ESWAP's historic price actions and is by no means financial advice. Traders should always do their own research and be extra careful while investing in cryptocurrencies.

Eli nqaku labonwa okokuqala, ukufumana izikhokelo zokuthenga ze-crypto zangaphambili kunye nezihlaziyiweyo, ndwendwela iWWW Dot Crypto Buying Tips Dot Com.

Funda ngokugqithisileyo apha

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